Un Autre Vin - Valentin Morel
Un Autre Vin - Valentin Morel
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Note this book is written in French
Description :
Comment devient-on vigneron ? En 2014, lorsque Valentin Morel quitte son emploi de fonctionnaire pour revenir au vignoble familial, il se heurte tour à tour aux invasions de mouches, de mildiou, aux printemps hivernaux et aux étés caniculaires. Il comprend que cultiver la terre aujourd'hui, c'est vivre au jour le jour les conséquences du dérèglement climatique. Au plus près du terrain, le jeune vigneron fait le récit de son retour à la terre et de sa conversion à l'agriculture biologique et aux cépages hybrides.
Défendant le travail manuel comme un engagement intellectuel et politique, il propose une réflexion personnelle sur notre relation au travail, à l'éthique et au terroir.

Organic, Biodynamic and Natural wine. What’s the difference?
To understand this concept and its various ramifications, it is necessary to keep something clear in mind: before the 20th century and the spreading of affordable synthetic fertilisers, all farming was organic. When the shift to the use of synthetics and pesticides happened, it became necessary to diversify traditional organic farming from the new modern farming.
Simply put, organic farming forbids the use of synthetic fertilisers, synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or genetically modified organisms. The basic requirements are generally specific and engage the farmers not to use any chemical fertilisers and other synthetic products in the vineyard. It does not prevent the vintner from using the conventional winemaking process after harvesting.
Let’s take organic farming one step further: Biodynamic. The creator of this agricultural system is the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner, who developed the principles of biodynamics in a series of lectures given in 1924 in Germany. Here lies the foundation of true organic wines, with a strict limit in the use of additives, stringent requirements and at the end obtaining a biodynamic certification.
The previous definitions are usually, and rightfully, associated with it, because most natural wine is also organic and/or biodynamic. But not vice versa!
Natural wine is wine in its purest form, simply described as nothing added, nothing taken away, just grapes fermented. No manipulation whatsoever, minimal intervention both in the vineyards and in the winery. Healthy grapes, natural yeast and natural fermentation, with no filtration nor fining. Sounds easy, right? However, making natural wine is unforgiving and it requires a bigger amount of work than conventional wine. To this day, natural wine has no certification yet.