Bezděčín, Czech Republic
" I do not contain added sugars, preservatives, artificial colors. I am not diluted with water, pasteurized and filtered. I mature by a gradual process of lactic fermentation directly in the bottle. I do not contain alcohol and can age like wine. I mature in the cool and dark in the cellars of Bezděčín. I am 100% birch sap." - Jan Klimes
After living in Prague for 15 years, Jan Klimes and his wife Nada moved to the countryide near Tabor to restore an old barn. He found a place full of birch trees and decided to experiment harvesting birch sap. After researching to find a way to naturally preserve the birch sap using lacto-fermentation, he produced a few for himself working in his cellar beneath their home. And Euforia Adventure began in 2019 !
Nowadays, Klimes works with a range of natural ingredients as Earl Greay tea, rose, grapes skin, lila or even wild hops. Fun fact : he created the grape skin birch sap with Milan Nestarec's grapes !
Nowadays, Klimes works with a range of natural ingredients as Earl Greay tea, rose, grapes skin, lila or even wild hops. Fun fact : he created the grape skin birch sap with Milan Nestarec's grapes !